When it comes to creating lasting romance, most of us are our own worst enemies. If you really want to mess things up, follow these simple, proven steps!
1) Drink the Kool Aid
Everyone loves a good infatuation. There’s nothing quite like talking on the phone for hours, making out in the grocery store, and finally finding someone who really, truly gets you. Especially if the object of your infatuation comes closer to meeting your checklist than anyone before.
We’ve all heard that the honeymoon phase doesn’t last. We’ve heard it a thousand times. So then why do we continue to insist, while in its trance, that there’s no reason for our infatuation to end?
The reason we become so hopelessly daft is because it’s Mother Nature’s plan. If un-blinded by the light of infatuation, none of us would ever see past our love interest’s countless flaws. Instead, we’d all remain single, watch “Saturday Night Live” alone, and the species would come to a grinding halt.
So if your current prospect induces major swoons – go ahead. Milk your infatuation for all its worth. But don’t rage at the fates, or your beloved, when suddenly everything goes sour.
Instead, back when things are at their peak, make a pact. Write it out. Put it in your wallet. It might go something like this: One day our yum-fest will be over. Parts of us will make one another cringe, fume, and we’ll wonder what we ever saw in each other to begin with. When this happens, we promise not to attack, flee, or cocoon with our resentment. With a wink at Mother Nature, we’ll know all is well. We’ll be right where we’re supposed to be. Ready to fall in love (or not) for real.
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