Monday, July 17, 2017

Treat Sinus Infections and Bronchitis with One Little Trick

Sometimes, chronic sinusitis is due to problems with the structure of the nasal passages, or a growth such as a nasal polyp that keeps the sinusesfrom draining normally.
Acute and chronic sinusitis have similar symptoms:
  • Facial pressure and pain
  • Thick discolored mucus
  • Congestion


The key is to figure out the cause. For instance, if your sinusitis is due to allergies, then decongestants alone will probably not help much.
If you have symptoms for more than a couple of days, check in with your doctor. With a good exam -- and sometimes imaging tests, like X-rays, CT scans, or MRIs -- you may be able to figure out exactly what's causing the problem.
Often, the best sinusitis treatment is a combination of different approaches -- typically medication plus self-care.


Antibiotics . If your doctor thinks a bacterial infection is to blame, he may prescribe antibiotics. For acute sinusitis, you typically take them for 10-14 days. For chronic sinusitis, it might be longer.
Antibiotics only help with bacterial infections. They won’t help if your sinusitis is caused by viruses or other problems. Some studies suggest that bacteria cause very few cases of the condition and that antibiotics are widely overused.

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